ATTA Teams

There are two popular, team-format tennis leagues in Atlanta — the United States Tennis Association (USTA) leagues and the Atlanta Lawn Tennis Association (ALTA) leagues. We form teams of primarily gay and lesbian players to participate in the leagues offered by USTA and ALTA.

ATTA has men’s, women’s, and mixed teams competing in each league at all levels of skill. Our ATTA-formed teams compete against teams representing country clubs, subdivisions, public parks, and gyms across metro-Atlanta.

The best way for you to find and possibly join an ATTA team is to contact our ATTA Teams Coordinators by emailing

Advantages to being on an ATTA team include:

  • You can be yourself while on and off the court and you’ll find that acceptance, camaraderie, and team spirit are enhanced by being on a primarily gay or lesbian team.
  • Many of our teams have professional coaches for practice which offers the chance of improving your tennis skills.
  • Many establish life-long friendships with people they meet on their teams.
  • Each ATTA team (having 10 or more ATTA members for ALTA leagues; having 8 or more ATTA members for USTA leagues) will receive a case of tennis balls for the Spring and Summer seasons. In addition, any ATTA team making City Finals (during ALTA or USTA seasons — Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) will receive $100 to offset the catering/food expense for the team. 
  • The season for each league is typically seven weeks of regular play followed by playoffs of the top teams to determine City Champions. Here are a few specifics regarding the ALTA and USTA leagues.


Men’s and women’s teams play in spring (March-April) and fall (September-October). Each team (men on Saturday morning, and women on Sunday afternoon) plays 5 lines of doubles matches against another team each week. Mixed doubles teams play in summer (June-August, on Saturday mornings) and winter (January-February, on Sunday afternoons). League standings are based on total matches won during the season.


Men’s and women’s teams play in summer (June-July) on Sunday afternoons (women at 12:30pm and men at 4:30pm) and in winter (November-January) on Saturdays (men at 9:30am and women at 1:30pm). Each team plays 2 lines of singles matches and 3 lines of doubles matches against another team each week. Mixed doubles is played in the spring, with three matches (6 players) played on Friday evenings.

ATTA is a Community Tennis Association of USTA Georgia, but ATTA is not affiliated in any way with ALTA.